วันอังคารที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Macmillan Dictionary





2[uncountable] the art or activity of singing

3[countable/uncountable] the musical sound that a bird makes


1the red liquid that flows around inside your body

2the family, nation, or group that you belong to through your parents and grandparents

3used as a way of referring to violence and death


1[countable] a place where you buy things or where you pay for a service

2[countable] a business where something is made or repaired

3[uncountable] American a school subject in which students learn to work with tools and machines


1[countable] the round object with a shell that a female bird produces and a baby bird develops in. The mother bird lays an egg, and later the egg hatches and the baby bird comes out

2[countable] a small object produced by a female insect, frog, snake etc, that a young animal comes out of

3[countable] biology a cell produced inside a woman or female animal that develops into a baby if it is fertilized by a sperm (=a male cell)


1[singular] informal two things or people of the same type

2[countable] two people who are married or involved in a romantic relationship with each other


3[intransitive] mainly literary if something such as luck or heaven smiles on you, you are successful, or you have good luck

